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Pastime by hakuryu
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The doctor stifled a yawn with the back of his arm, the white lab coat shuffling dully at the movement. The only sounds beyond his breathing were the continual whir of computers and other standard operational noises rising from the pile of equipment that decorated the lab in all directions.

An empty coffee mug sat beside the laptop, a series of rings from constant abuse visible on the surface of the desk around where it sat. The stuffed bunny that was Jienyi’s constant companion was flopped over on the other side of the desk, on top of a stack of unordered papers and amidst a pile of crumpled documents.

There was a digital clock setting lopsidedly on a shelf above the work station. It idly blinked in red, block letters that the time was 4:08. The upper portion to the right of the ‘eight’ was partially broken so that only the ‘a’ in the pairing of letters lit up.

Nii’s glasses caught the light from the plasma screen and refracted it in all directions around the room. The effect was quiet eerie, causing the doctor to appear more sinister than usual, as there was no other source of light at the moment.

The one thing that was seemingly out of place in the quiet room was the lack of keys being pounded repetitively, almost as if in a stream of consciousness. In fact, Nii was barely moving at all. He was hunched forward slightly in his seat, peering into the screen with utmost concentration. His right hand, which rested on the track pad of the laptop, would move steadily and purposefully every once in a while.

Shuffle, click-click.

The yellow shirt sleeve and the lab coat fabric brushed against the face-plate covering of the laptop. An idle hand strummed against the metallic silver paint job, a contemplative murmur rising from his throat. The typical smirk was wiped from his face, replaced by a contemplative expression. Perhaps, had his clothes not been creased, a hand stained in nicotine, and his hair refusing to lay relatively calmly where it was supposed to, he could have been mistakenly believed to be handsome. But seeing as his four o’clock shadow was looking more into the realm of six or seven, there was little mistaking that this was still the Doctor Nii Jienyi of eight hours previous.

The door clicked as someone on the other side turned the knob, and the spectacled face of a female with a heavy look of distaste on her face peered in at him.

“Doctor, it’s well past four in the morning. For goodness sake get to bed!” She meant no inquiry into his health or even mental state, for she well knew he was crazy beyond aide.

“Are you that worried about me that you would come all the way down here to check in?” His drawling voice, intermingled with frequent pauses, dripped that of a mocking tone.

She made an aggravated noise, and slammed the door behind her as she disappeared down the hallway. Nii gave a pleased chuckle, his action of standing pushing the chair out from under him.

“Another time then, perhaps.” He took his coffee mug with him, tucking the bunny under his right arm as he headed for the door himself. The laptop sat open on his desk, its glow illuminating the surrounding desk area.

Open on the desktop was a web browser window. A green background was up on the website, and a stack of cards within the java script block of text was displayed. There was an indentation marked by a darker shade of green where the dealt cards would fall into place as they were drawn. Above both the deck and the indentation was a large pyramid built of cards. A score card was near the top of the window, and it read well past the scope of the game’s programming.


AN: Pocky if you can guess what game it was, which should be obvious, lol. Nope, there are no undertones to anything but character OOCness. Pretty much it’s just me getting used to writing Nii in preparation for a Hakkai’s birthday piece. Yes, you can all worry about that one now…

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