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Reviews For Antimatter
Reviewer: a_mael Signed Date: 01/08/07 - 12:59AM Title: Fun with polarities

Oh, good!  I'm not alone on this one!


Reviewer: sasateq Anonymous Date: 08/11/05 - 11:38PM Title: Fun with polarities

Frickin amazing. I love to read this, so often, and then realised I hadn't left a review. (Sorry.) And a very good idea!

Reviewer: zan Signed Date: 05/24/05 - 09:04AM Title: Fun with polarities

i actually agree too!

Reviewer: Kiro Signed Date: 04/01/05 - 05:05PM Title: Fun with polarities

This is another fic I read a while ago but it hasn't gotten out of my head since, it's unforgettably good. There are too many bizarre parallels and inversions between Tenpou and Nii for them not to mean *something,* but I don't know what else to make of it other than what you say here.

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